Special Promotions

Special Promotions

3 Seasons

Streaming Devices & Smart TVs - You can view our programming on all types of streaming devices including PCs & MAC Desktops and Laptops, Roku, Apple, Android, Amazon, Samsung cell phones, tablets, and smart televisions. This is a growing list of the devices that we support.

Scratch & Sniff Travel Series - "Scratch n Sniff" Travel and Cooking Resource books by Bruce Oliver. The Scent-Sational World Travel Series™ is filled with recipes, trivia, facts and AH-HA I didn’t know that facts from around the world… complete with scratch and scented pages and scents in the book.

Cameras, Travel Accessories & Services - Information & Reviews.

Special Promotions
  • Bruce Oliver TV Trailer

    Episode 1

    Take some time to smell the roses and travel. If you don't, it's like reading one page in a book, there is so much to experience and memories to be made. Do so before it's too late.

    This video shows some of the themes that we will develop as the network matures. Your feedback is always apprec...